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Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.

~James Cash Penney

Our Purpose

Nika’s Home is purpose-driven in that we are dedicated to rescue children out of impossible situations and into an environment filled with promise. We are here to help each child build a new foundation that will carry them for a lifetime.

Our Mission

Empowering children to live a safe, healthy and quality life that will encourage them to reach their fullest potential.

Program Description

Nika’s Home is a qualified residential treatment facility. It is a family style group home that serves up to 10 children between the ages of 6 to18 years of age. These homes are generally established and supported by community groups who have recognized the need for residential care for abused and neglected children in the local area. These homes allow us to serve children in their own community which helps them adjust to their placement with less disruption during a difficult time.

Drug Addiction Counseling ~ Mental Health Therapy ~ Case Management

Practice Areas

We provide our children with everything they need to grow and thrive including food, shelter, and clothing.



Living in constant fear about personal harm can steal a child’s future. At Nika’s home, kids find a safe and supportive environment they need in order to thrive. A place where a child can be a child. Where they can focus on building their futures, free from worry about gangs, violence, or any type of abuse. 


Spiritual Development

A child’s faith can be a powerful force in their healing. We support children who come to us from a variety of faith traditions, by encouraging a deeper exploration of their own spirituality. Throughout the year, spiritual retreats, celebrations, and faith-based learning help our kids develop this critical dimension of their lives. 


Our young people are years behind in school by the time they enter our care.  That’s why a major focus of our work is helping children overcome academic achievement gaps and encouraging success in the classroom.  We focus on the basics: Math and Reading Enrichment. Daily tutoring helps our kids to catch up in school and to graduate from high school prepared for their next step.


Community Service

We prepare children to become positive members of the community.  Our children learn important lessons about themselves and about the world around them through meaningful volunteer opportunities.  Our young people have visited nursing homes, stocked a food bank, and written letters to service members overseas. 



All of our young people receive individual and group therapy at least once a week.  We develop relationships beyond Nika’s home’s doors through family therapy as well.  And we offer young people other types of therapy, ranging from grief groups and pets to music and art therapy and therapeutic yoga. 


Therapy sessions focus on helping each child accomplish the goals that he or she has set with the help of care managers as part of our individualized program. 



We offer character-building and culturally-enriching learning opportunities that encourage the personal growth and development of young people. 


Vocational and Career Resources

Finding – and keeping – a job gives children more confidence and self-reliance, teaches them to be financially responsible, and gives them skills that they will carry throughout their careers. Young people have the opportunity to explore different careers through internships at companies that partner with Nika’s Home.  We also introduce vocational paths for our youth to gain sustainable employment. 

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